Friday Update 8-5-22
Updated On: Sep 06, 2022


Sisters and Brothers,

With a heavy heart, we report the active-duty death of Fire Fighter Specialist Ismael M. Villalta-Ayala, Engine 7-A, Battalion 1, on Thursday, August 4, 2022. We send our deepest condolences and sympathies to the Villalta-Ayala family during this extraordinarily difficult time.  

Our Memorial Management, PEER Support Teams, and Department Chaplains have been activated to help the family through this most difficult time. Out of respect for the family and the ongoing notification process, we will share more details as they become available, including memorial services. 

For our members, please know that Peer Support and Behavioral Health resources are available to any and all who feel they need them. 


This past weekend 82 of California’s Fire Families came together in Sacramento to remember and add their loved one’s names to the hallowed ground California Fire Fighter Memorial in Capital Park. The love and solidarity of all our fire families together provided a loving and safe space for grieving and sharing memories of our loved ones.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the California Firefighters Memorial in Sacramento’s Historic Capitol Park. We added 82 fallen firefighters to the California Fire Foundation Memorial Wall, including our own:
* Fire Fighter Brian K. Ballentine
* Fire Fighter Specialist Tory Carlon
* Fire Captain Carlos Estrella
* Fire Fighter Jonathan Flagler
* Fire Captain William L. Knott
* Fire Fighter Specialist Samuel C. Neubauer
* Fire Captain Manuel Ramos
* Battalion Chief Mark A. Tolbert

Local 1014 spent time with all the fire families at breakfasts, receptions, and intimate walks to the memorial culminating in a beautiful ceremony to ring out the last alarm and place our loved ones' names on our memorial wall that will forever remember their sacrifice. It was a weekend of lasting fellowship and compassion amongst California’s Fire Departments and Unions and our collective Fire Family.

We would like to give special thanks to our Department Chaplains, who are the core of our family support teams. We would like to thank our Pipes and Drums, Honor Guard, Brothers and Sisters who made the trip to Sacramento and joined us for the live stream to make this annual memorial event so special.
President Gillotte would like to thank Acting Interim Fire Chief Marrone for supporting the memorial with our personnel and for joining us in Sacramento to be with our families as we gave honor to our brothers and sisters going on the wall. A special thanks to your Executive Board and Director Jason Cervantes, who coordinates all Local 1014 services and memorial efforts and, once again, an amazing effort by all to pay tribute and honor our resolve. WE SHALL NEVER FORGET.
Click above to view our Local 1014 video recap of the memorial. 
Click here to watch the full service 2022 California Firefighter Memorial



It is a critical time for our Firefighters. For the last several years, we have had Will Pryor representing us on the LACERA Board, and that has ensured that our members and their families have a strong voice when major decisions are being made that affect our pensions and our retirement. Will is currently serving out his last term, and we are forever thankful and grateful for his many years of service to our members.

Now it is critical that we continue to have a firefighter on both the LACERA Board of Retirement and the LACERA Board of Investments. That is why we are asking you to vote for our own Local 1014 Director Jason Green. Jason will continue to be a strong voice to safeguard our pensions and ensure that our members receive the retirement benefits they have earned. 

Jason Green is our endorsed candidate for both the Board of Retirement and the Board of Investments, so be sure to mark his name in both sections!

Safety Members who were active Safety Members as of April 15, 2022, can vote in these elections. Eligible voters will be able to cast their vote either online or by telephoneThe online and telephone voting system will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week beginning today, August 5, 2022, through August 31, 2022.

Safety Members eligible to vote in this election who have valid County email addresses were emailed login credentials and voting instructions to their County email address.

If you lost your voting credentials or have not received them, please contact or  (213) 893-1151


In Solidarity, 

President Dave Gillotte and the Local 1014 Executive Board 

  • IAFF Local 1014

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