Friday Update 1-28-22
Updated On: Feb 18, 2022

Brothers & Sisters,

Today, your Local 1014 Executive Board began our bargaining process with the County for our successor Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for our 601/602 Bargaining Unit members (Firefighters, Paramedic, Captains, etc). We have set our priorities for our members for the next several years which include better wages, hours, and working conditions for our members as we continue to protect our communities. 

Negotiations will continue in the next few weeks. Our intention is to continue to represent the best interest of our membership on the key points that are critically important to the health and safety of our members while still maintaining the highest level of service and efficiency for Los Angeles County communities.  We will keep you updated as we grind out the terms with the County and work towards a contract that reflects the dedication and service of our members and their families. 

Saying Goodbye to Former Local 1014 President Larry Simcoe 

This week, we also said a final farewell to former Local 1014 President Larry Simcoe, who passed away late last year.

Larry was buried at sea this week along with his wife Judy. Thank you to the members who attended and made this beautiful send-off possible for our former president who served the members of this Union. Rest in Peace. We will not forget. 
CA State Political Action - Endorsement Interviews 

Over the last several weeks, our Local 1014 Executive Board has been engaging in cluster interviews with the California Professional Firefighters (CPF) for several State Assembly and State Senate races throughout our jurisdiction. At these cluster interviews, we ask candidates critically important questions on topics that directly impact our members at the state level such as workers compensation legislation, COVID presumptions, pension protections, EMS service delivery, community paramedicine, and more. 

We have several more to go as we work to engage every candidate from every party to learn about our issues and garner support for our members in Sacramento. Ultimately, together with our Local Affiliates, we will endorse those who show support for our members and their issues. Thank you to our political staff at CPF who have done an amazing job at prepping interviews and candidates and ensuring we talk to everyone. 

We will keep you updated as we progress and work to maintain a strong political action effort at the state level so we can continue to see our pro-firefighter candidates fight for funding, benefits, and equipment for our memebrs and their families. 

Stay safe and take care of each other. 

In Solidarity, 

President Dave Gillotte and the Local 1014 Executive Board 

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