Friday Update 2-18-22
Updated On: Mar 13, 2022
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Brothers & Sisters,

We want to share with the membership the hard work and amazing resource our PEER Support Team has been as once again this week, we gathered in El Monte, first at FS 166 and then at Local 1014 Alfred K. Whitehead Labor Center Union Hall, to give the much-needed support and help for all of us dealing with yet another LODD tragedy with the passing of Brother Steve McCann. 
Our LA County Fire PEER Support Team supported and crafted in a partnership with  Labor and Management is the largest and premier trained and skilled team in the Nation.  Our PEER support team and Dr. Steve have been working throughout the nation on responses for our IAFF brothers and sisters during the most incredible and taxing incidents our profession has faced.  This year, like no other, we have seen tragedy that has taken yet another member in the Line of Duty and our resources for PEER Support and Chaplain Support have had to go to work right here in our own backyard once again.  
As we prepare to honor Brother Steve McCann and help his family and our fire family, know that the resources of the PEER Support Team with Dr. Steve are in full force and will be here through services and as always well beyond.  In addition, let us also thank the rank and file members of Local 1014 and this Department in the Memorial Management Team, the Chaplains Corps, Honor Guard, Pipes and Drums and all logistical support coordinated by our amazing Utility Driver Warriors who make it all happen.  Please make time to be a part of the sea of blue so important in support of our family both at the flag ceremony and memorial services for Brother McCann.  
We Shall Never Forget - continuing with support for the Flagler family, please take a look at yet another beautiful event put on by the San Clemente High School Football Coaching Staff to raise funds for the Flaglers.  
Click here to read the CUSD Insider story on the Triton Football Clinic in memory of Jon Flagler 
Click here to donate to the McCann Family 


As a reminder, please see the bullet points below regarding the vaccine mandate and actions that relate to our Local 1014 members.
  1. Vaccine Mandate set to Implement Oct 1, 2021, by Executive Order and BOS Motion 
  2. Negotiations Commenced with CCU - All Unions over Impact of Order 
  3. All legal challenge to date on the constitutionality of order in federal and state court and arbitrations have failed - affirming the order. 
  4. Negotiations with the Department on implementation and a slow and deliberate process which remains in play and active to date. 
  5. Notices of Registration and Testing requirements sent out to all members
  6. 3400 members - approximately 13 left who have not registered and face discipline 
  7. 5 shift suspension levied to those remaining unregistered and active reach out to recommend strongly that they register.  
  8. Intent to discharge letters sent to the remaining members who refuse to register and or test 
  9. Representation for all and negotiations continuing on mitigation of registration compliance
  10. Legal Challenge through courts filed and no date to hear this in the immediate future, pushed out into May. 
We have now reached the point where the next steps under the Law, on behalf of our members who do not wish to be vaccinated, is to apply for medical or religious exemptions.  We continue to negotiate in mediation with the County and all Unions, but we have collectively all been able to question and vet the process the County and all Departments have implemented. 
Exemption Information: Click here to see the summary of what medical and religious exemptions are based on, and begin to prepare your exemption request narrative as we move to a date in the near future announced by the Department and the Union to file your exemptions.  We have had success on the exemptions that have already been submitted both for County as a whole and for Local 1014 members. We also have an appeal process built-in for any issues that may come up.  
Each exemption will be reviewed by Shaw HR Consulting a firm we have experience in working with the County on other items of Labor / Management work.  Shaw HR will make a recommendation on the exemption, and then Big County with County Counsel will review, and move to the Department Heads who will approve or deny based on the recommendation.  Chief Marrone is aware of the process and has worked with Local 1014 to move slowly and deliberately to this time when we have vetted the process for clarity and substance before requiring our members to actually submit.  
This time has been invaluable and productive on numerous fronts as we see the landscape change weekly in dealing with Covid 19 and the order.  We are the only department that has had such an approach to this point.  Our goal has been to keep us all together on this path of travel.  Both the vaccinated and non-vaccinated for all things health and safety with testing and safety gear, and alternatives to accommodate and keep ALL working in our regular jobs.  We have done well getting to this point together with no one on paid or unpaid leave, and a process that focused on the power of the law to ensure exemptions and accommodations are provided as required to protect all members.
Local 1014 has consistently and unwaveringly maintained the same position of opposing the mandate and supporting  “Vaccinate or Accommodate” with the County. They have been working with us to move at a pace and process that suits our situation.  This is the path within the law to work to protect all members and we highly recommend once again to any members not registered to do so immediately and stay in the process as we move once again down the road slowly and deliberately.  This is not about a vaccine mandate notice, only registration and application for exemption - please remember that in your decision-making.  
CCU Fringe Benefits and Unit Bargaining 
Longtime chairperson and leader of the County Coalition of Unions (CCU) representing 14 Unions is retiring.  The CCU principal officers representing the Unions at the table unanimously nominated and elected Local 1014 President Dave Gillotte as Chairman of the CCU and Lead Negotiator at the CCU Fringe Table.  Additionally, they elected ALADS Executive Director Derek Hsieh as Co-Chair.  This is a temporary assignment that President Gillotte and Director Hsieh have agreed to tackle to finish Fringe Bargaining, and the COVID Mandate mediation work as the CCU seeks new long-term leadership.  VP Kurt Kobler will assume Local 1014’s seat at the table with alternate Jason Green and the entire Local 1014 team helping as we set to bargain our fringe benefits.  
This is a testament to the confidence all Unions have in Local 1014’s leadership and our effectiveness in dealing with the BOS and the CEO and we look forward to working to bring a fair contract that protects our medical, dental and vision benefits we work so hard to earn. We want to thank outgoing Chairman Blaine Meek from CAPE for his years of dedicated service to all Union members and their families. 
In solidarity and strength, we will navigate these waters together. 

In Solidarity, 

President Dave Gillotte and the Local 1014 Executive Board 

  • IAFF Local 1014

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