Friday Update 3-14-25
Updated On: Mar 28, 2025

Brothers and Sisters, 

This week, we continued yet another session of bargaining with the County. Once again, the county showed a lack of preparedness and respect for our members, as they came in again unprepared to talk numbers. 

Our members deserve a response to our robust proposal, including special unit bonus issues, wellness fitness issues, bilingual pay issues, increasing paramedic service opportunities, Post-PEPRA Plan C Ventura Issues, Retiree Health Contributions, and more.   While we cannot discuss the details of all we bargain for at the table, we can put forward the broad categories we are addressing.  Stay tuned as we continue to fight to secure a fair contract. 

We are asking our members to use the Pulse Point survey below to voice your disappointment in the County throughout the bargaining process. Let them hear you. Answer the questions and be honest and critical where appropriate with comments on online training, staffing, negotiations, retiree medical, employee discipline, things affecting feeling VALUED, HEARD, AND EMPOWERED.

Keep your answers clean and professional, but also honest and critical where appropriate to say what needs to be said. This is how we can directly send a message and remove the filters to talk with DHR. The Union will be following up with all other unions in the CCU regarding employee responses.

Thank you in advance for your help and participation.
Click here to take the survey


This week, California legislators got a chance to spend some time in a firefighter's boots and it was an eye-opener.

California Professional Firefighters hosted a "Fire Ops 101" exercise at the State Capitol. For a full day, the Sacramento area's regional mobile training trailer was set up along the west steps of the State Capitol so that Senate and Assembly members from across California experienced the weight of real turnouts, the heights of outstretched ladders, the power behind the fire hose, and other aspects of what it's like to be a firefighter in California.

Inside the trailer, controlled live-fire situations, including interior living room and kitchen incidents were re-created with propane tanks and theatrical smoke. The intense, 300+ degree heat was just a fraction of the real temperatures that firefighters face every day, but left legislators sweating!

This is an important part of political actions for our members making sure that our legislators know what is like to “feel the heat” and how critical our safety gear is and the skill it takes to be a firefighter. Thank you to the team at CPF for setting this up. We have a local FireOps planned for later this year for our LA County electeds as well. 

In Solidarity, 

President Dave Gillotte and the Local 1014 Executive Board 

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